Early Learning Celebrations

Each year the Early Learning teachers and staff host celebrations and graduations for our classes. It is a day for children, families, and staff to gather and recognize all the past year’s accomplishments! Many children move up to kindergarten, while others are moving up to the next level of CYC’s Early Learning Program. We captured some great photos from our Early Learning Program’s celebrations that you can flip through! 

At Centro Nuestro, the children were excited to show their families the Zumba routine they had been practicing, and their reading skills! Ms. Norma shared that over this past program year, she has watched the children become more independent and gain so many skills. She said her favorite part about graduation day is that families gather at the Centers and share in this success. 

The Early Learning Staff talk about how special days like this are another reminder of why they chose this career. Ms. Staggers of CYC-Sidney Epstein reminisces about her time in the classroom at CYC, and the impact the children have had on her. “My favorite memory is the first time I went into the classroom when I started working here 11 years ago. The moment I walked in, the kids had never seen me, but they came up and hugged me. It always sticks with me. Children can sense when adults are present and care for them. I still love all the hugs I get every day, and when they stick to me like glue.” 

As Summer Programming ends, and children get ready for their next step in learning, staff remind families that they always have a resource and support system at CYC. We asked our staff what they hope children hold onto as they continue growing; “I hope the children remember that learning can always be fun,” says Ms. Staggers. Ms. Norma says, “I hope the children hold on to self-respect and kindness.” It is so wonderful to see the confidence and excitement each child has built up for their next academic adventure. Congratulations again to CYC’s Early Learning class of 2024, we cannot wait to see you in our Out-of-School Time Programs and all that you will accomplish next! 

Are you looking to teach or work in Early Learning Programming? CYC could be the place for you! Check out our Careers Page to see what opportunities are available.