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CYC Staff Giving: The Pay It Forward Fund

It was during one of Kevin’s “Ask Me Anything” CEO calls that a group of us began reflecting on how grateful we are even in the face of this global pandemic. We still have our jobs. We are able to do what we love—connect with youth and families—even at home.

Out of our gratitude, the Pay It Forward Fund was born. This is a fund created by CYC employees to give back to CYC families beyond our budgeted expenses in this time of particular need. Our goal is to raise $2,000 by June 30.

Please consider paying our good fortune forward if you are able. One idea is to donate all or part of our work-from-home technology stipend during this time, but feel free to give what you are able.

You can give below by credit card or make a pledge by selecting the “Bill Me Later” option. Please reach out to Nichele to set up a donation automatically through payroll.

Thank you! We are so #ProudToBeCYC together.